The Pursuit Of Purpose

6 Week Elite Program

Can I Be Honest

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I was the girl who tried to hide out in the back of the class. I never raised my hand and I walked away without no understanding of the assignment, which left me feeling anxious and insecure about my abilities. After many years of counseling and spending time with the Lord I've learned to raise my hand, my head, and my standards HIGH!

Some of us need a more up-close experience and the love and support of a Kingdom sister to make sense of the madness and messiness of life that stands between our purpose and us. Whatever and Wherever purpose may lead you.

With my 6-week elite program, that's exactly what you'll get. Guidance, support, and your THRIVE TRIBE- Kingdom sisters celebrating every win and praying you through every bump along the way!

So, let's put anxiety on pause and press forward, TOGETHER!!.

Get Everything offered in my 6-week Pursuit of Purpose Course with an extra special added bonus.

6 Live Group Q& A Calls With Dr. Brookins

Access to Exclusive Facebook Group

Lessons Designed With Christain Women in Mind

6 Strategy-Rich Lessons


The Pursuit of Purpose

Learn how the roles you juggle are attached to your purpose.


Busy Doing Nothing

Are you busy or are you productive? Time to learn the difference, and finally do something about it.


Managing & Maintaining Godly Friendships

Friendships are essential. But when you give more than you gain, friendships become a pain. Learn to manage friendships in a way that brings value to your life.


The HolyGhost HomeGirls Mindset

A negative mindset will keep you trapped in maladaptive behaviors, toxic relationships, and cyclic bouts of depression and anxiety. Learn tools to challenge your mindset and take on the mindset of God.


Effective Communication

They say talk is cheap, But the truth is, poor communication can cost us everything, including our relationships? Learn your dominant communication style and the tools to get your point across, effectively.


Staying In Your Lane

What has the Lord called you to do? Identify your call and walk in your purpose.


Facebook Group

6 Live Group Q&A Calls

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Learn From Anywhere At Your Own Pace

After this course, you’ll understand more about yourself, your friendships, your communication style, and the habits that keep you stuck.

Meet Dr. Brookins

I'm Dr. Antionette Brookins licensed marriage and family therapist and Christian Empowerment, Strategist. In general terms, I help women just like you, tackle the tough stuff in life. I am also an author, course creator, senior pastor's wife, and coach who encourages Christian women to operate in purpose, walk in Christian authority and implement healthy boundaries. That’s why I'm known as “your boundaries bestie” Heeey Friend!

I’m just an ordinary woman with an extraordinary heart for God’s people. God has blessed me to use my testimony of hurt and healing to compel other women to let go of their debilitating past and walk in the fullness of joy, a joy that only a relationship with Jesus— and great boundaries, can bring.

With a unique style, an infectious sense of humor, and God’s strength, I use extensive academic training coupled with practical faith-based counseling techniques to TRAIN, EMPOWER, EDUCATE and COACH Christian women.

I know firsthand how Christian values play a role in decision-making. I also know how conflicting and condemning we may feel when we reach outside the church for help.

After my life took a turn that left me in despair, I ran to the feet of Jesus for peace. He then spoke to my broken heart and gifted me the opportunity to use my journey to help free others. So, let's dive in!

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What Others Are Saying About This Course

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Jessica Chapman
Senior developer at Company LLC.

Here's My Guarantee. If You Apply These Tools And Have No Results, The Next Course Is on Me.

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