Anyone Can Set a Boundary. Keeping them... is a Different Story!

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Why I Wrote This Lesson

As a licensed mental health professional, my clients often struggle with boundaries. Honestly, I used to struggle too. I was a people pleaser and had a hard time standing up for myself. And when I did muster up the courage to speak up, it came out angry and aggressive which left my relationships in shambles.

As a result, depression, and anxiety began to take over my life. That's when I decided to fully and wholeheartedly surrender my emotions and mindset to Jesus Christ. As a born-again Christian for over 30 years, the Lord already had my heart...this time I chose to trust him with all of me.

As he began to heal me and change my life, he also gave me the blueprint to help my Kingdom Sisters, my HolyGhost HomeGirls just like you.

As Seen On

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Women With Healthy Boundaries Live Happier Lives

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I give this lesson 10/10!! If women are truly seeking change they will invest in this tool. To be honest, we spend way more on temporary "self-care" which Dr. Brookins speaks about. But this lesson will last a lifetime because we can always reference it again.
This lesson has truly helped me understand what a boundary is. How to define, set, and keep my boundaries.



Sister, my guarantee to you is when you implement these tools, there will be a difference in your life. I know when you take action, you’ll get results.

These are the same principles I use in my own life and use to help my individual clients.

Start Your Journey to a Happier Life

About Dr. Brookins

I'm Dr. Antionette D. Brookins licensed marriage and family therapist and Christian Empowerment, Strategist. In general terms, I help women just like you, tackle the tough stuff in life. I am also an author, course creator, senior pastor's wife, and coach who encourages Christian women to operate in purpose, walk in Christian authority and implement healthy boundaries. That’s why I'm known as “your boundaries bestie” Heeey Friend!

I’m just an ordinary woman with an extraordinary heart for God’s people. God has blessed me to use my testimony of hurt and healing to compel other women to let go of their debilitating past and walk in the fullness of joy, a joy that only a relationship with Jesus— and great boundaries, can bring.

With a unique style, an infectious sense of humor, and God’s strength, I use extensive academic training coupled with practical faith-based counseling techniques to TRAIN, EMPOWER, EDUCATE and COACH Christian women.

I know firsthand how Christian values play a role in decision-making. I also know how conflicting and condemning we may feel when we reach outside the church for help.

After my life took a turn that left me in despair, I ran to the feet of Jesus for peace. He then spoke to my broken heart and gifted me the opportunity to use my journey to help free others. So, let's dive in!

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